Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Top 5 3D Printing Gadgets

Mosaic Manufacturing – Keep your 3D printer and expand its potential. The Palette lets your 3D printer create an entirely new range of items!

Tiko 3D – The unibody 3D printer.

Voltera – The Voltera V-One enables circuit boards to be prototyped within minutes, eliminating the frustrations with traditional fabrication processes and drastically reducing hardware development time.

Retouch 3D – The world’s first heated tool to finish 3D prints; with variable heat and interchangeable heads; designed for specific 3D retouching tasks.

ReDeTec – The first complete desktop filament re-cycler, featuring fully integrated grinding and spooling. Create 3D printing filament sustainably, on demand, for free.

Friday, May 29, 2015

3D Printing And Global Business – A Perfect Match But Why?

3D Printing is the new global business industry. It represents a great chance for companies to be international and have the latest technology. Many International Business Podcasts talk about 3D Printing now.

Kevin Anderson Documentary on The Tennis Channel This Month

Check out Kevin Anderson’s documentary on Tennis Channel airing this month! Congrats to McCaw Method for all the great work!

Another short clip of some training from the Kevin Anderson documentary.

Beach Training at ProWorld Tennis Academy in Delray Beach

More beach action

Posted by ProWorld Tennis Academy on Thursday, May 28, 2015

Adult Summer Camp

ProWorld is excited to introduce the ProWorld Adult Camp.

On June 8 be part of the ProWorld Team and take your training to the next level.

  • We will implement the same fundamentals and training methods that we use with our pro players.
  • The fitness will be directed by ATP/WTA coach Carlos Aranda.
    • He will work on speed, agility, mobility and court movement.
  • Our team will evaluate your game and create a personal plan for you to follow. (2 day package)
  • Video analysis of the forehand, backhand and serve. (3 day package)
  • Healthy breakfast and lunch to fuel you for the practice.


#trainlikeapro #proworldteam #

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3D Printing and Global Business – The Obvious Match

And dispel this myth!
We don’t need to invest a lot; our Web site gives us a presence.

Actually, your Web site gives you a brochure, but no real place where businesses and consumers can get support, touch and feel your product, get to know your company and its staff, deal with returns, make product modifications and enable co-marketing agreements.

It’s necessary to have a localized Web site for market presence, but it needs to accompany many other things to make your efforts a success.

3D Printing Interview Excerpt From Printaholic

…..The Future for Association of 3D Printing?

As the Association of 3D printing evolves, Decker believes that the organization–as well as 3D printing itself–defies geographical boundaries. Through innovative resources as well as unique networking capabilities, this organization continues to grow and become the dominant voice in the 3D printing community.

“U.S. countries selling in foreign countries is a personal goal of mine, and we have a great vehicle to do it,” Decker said.

What’s In Store For The Future?

With a personal bias created by 30 years of international market entry, Decker said that he believes the industry he works in defies geographical boundaries.

With global aspirations in mind, the Association of 3D Printing will partake in various co-sponsored conferences around the world and continue to market its brand. Just by visiting this organization’s website and listening to free podcasts, the Association of 3D Printing will rise to greater prominence not only in the 3D printing community, but also in the business world.

For more information please visit

Vintage Autographed Cassius Clay VS Archie Moore 1962 Boxing Poster

Entering the ring, for this Nov. 15, 1962 bout, young Cassius Clay was 15-0. Archie Moore, a former light heavyweight champion, was boxing before Cassius was born. The ultimate showman, Clay brought attention to Moore’s advanced age, by having a 63 year old sparring partner. The public loved, his brash fight predictions.  This bout offered one of Clay’s best. Cassius predicted,  “I’ll say it now. And I’ve said it before. Archie Moore, will go down in Four.” He did. As the future 3 time heavyweight champion’s record would now be 16-0.  Cassius Clay left the ring, declaring,  “I am the greatest, of all time !!” 16-0,  gave him a perfect beginning. Direct from the Los Angeles Coliseum. 14″ x 22″. This poster was signed by Cassius Clay.  On his Facebook page,  Ali says, this signed poster is “Priceless.”  A museum quality treasure of the ages.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vintage Elvis Presley “Love Me Tender” 1956 Flasher Pinback

In 1956, to celebrate Elvis Presley’s first film, and release of the song “Love Me Tender”  Elvis Presley Enterprises offered this “Love Me Tender” 1956 Flasher Pinback. The Elvis Rock and Roll Icon image and Close-up are stellar. This is not the common VARI-VUE version. It is the extremely rare Pictorial Productions Inc. Tuckahoe, New York. 1956 edition. 2.5 ” . K.O black and white images. Considered among the holy grail of “Love Me Tender” souvenirs, around the world. The first song,  to ever go gold, before it’s release.  This is for a collector,  of Elvis Presley museum quality souvenirs. Price: $2,200  Click Here to Contact Us

3D Printing Marketing – Can Pinterest Help Your 3D Printing Firm?

Pinterest Marketing?
Oh yeah, and when you’re done managing your Pinterest account, don’t forget to run your business too! All joking aside, you’ve got a full plate as it is. But the numbers behind Pinterest don’t lie. Pinterest users spend hours browsing for products they want in their lives. You know you can’t ignore the Pinterest opportunity. That’s where we come in.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Natural Hormone Therapy – Bio-identical Hormone Replacement with John DeLuca MD at BeautySmart MD

Dr. DeLuca at BeautySmart, M.D. discusses how his hormone replacement program works and opening a discussion where he answer questions like…
What are hormones?
What are bio-identical hormones?
Do you suffer from mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, memory changes, changes in skin, loss of libido, loss of muscle tone?

Dr. John DeLuca has dedicated his entire life to the study and practice of Health, Wellness and Longevity. His goal is to get you and physiologically prepared as possible for any endeavor in life that you desire.


John DeLuca, M.D.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine
Beauty Smart, M.D.
94 South Federal Hwy
Boca Raton, Fl. 33432

CALL 561.330.7579
Ask for Deana Clark

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Welcome to the Site!

Notes From A May Speaking Event

How to Enter Cultures; international and otherwise

Participants should leave the session knowing:

– The largest stumbling block when working in different corporations.
– The 10 questions each person should be asking when confronted with any new culture.
– Common mistakes made in interacting with different cultures.

    What we will cover:

– Interactive exercise that is revealing, interactive and fun; “Who am I?”
How we size up a new situation

– Defining culture; visible and invisible
Strategies and tactics for cross generational and international work

– A primer for global cultures
International Business defined with 3 drawings

Task Specific vs. Relationship Specific
Short Term vs. Long Term
Individual vs. Collective (think of Bush vs. Saddam)

    War stories

How to fire employees in Womza
What is profit?
Chinese Balance Sheet

10 Questions To Ask Yourself!

This is how we do it our way. What is is their way
What is public, what is private?
How do you know when you are in?
Do they respect my authority?
What assumptions might be underlying their actions?
Have I heard this correctly?
Does the other person understand what I have asked them to do?
Who does my “employee” work for?
Is there more than what I am seeing?
How can I “bridge?”

Free Goodies!

International Business Podcast

International Business Audio Book: Lessons From the Road; Global Business 1-2-3

Free International Business Videos

Free International Business Articles

Email me:

5 Scientific Ways to Make Someone Fall in Love With You

It’s a start… five scientifically proven ways to transcend simple attractiveness and inspire the feelings that could lead to a long-term connection.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

3D Printing Gives Them A Hand – Or Better Yet a 3D Printed Hand Knob

What if your local hardware store doesn’t carry the knobs you need for your vacuum, dishwasher, toaster or blender? Well, before now, things were horrible. But now, 3D Printing to the rescue. Want more 3D Printing Fun? Click here for our 3D Printing newsletter.

Vintage Muhammad Ali a.k.a. Cassius Clay vs. Joe Frazier March 8, 1971 Big Screen Boxing Poster

This March 8, 1971, fight was the first between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. It will be forever called “The Fight of the Century.” Both boxers entered the ring undefeated. To give them equal billing, Ali’s picture is first and Frazier’s name is first as well.  The poster reads Muhammad Ali a.k.a. Cassius Clay in larger print, because this was early use of his new name. It marked, the last time, the name Cassius Clay would appear on a poster. Ali was stripped of the Heavyweight Title, when his new Muslim religion had him not enrolling in the armed forces. Less than a year after this Frazier fight, the Supreme Court overturned the decision that had taken Ali’s Heavyweight Title. “MUHAMMAD ALI A.K.A. CASSIUS CLAY” VS. JOE FRAZIER MARCH 8,1971. DIRECT FROM MADISON SQU/ GARDEN N.Y. BIG SCREEN CLOSED CIRCUIT. 14″ X 22″ MURRAY POSTER PRINTING CO. N.Y. UNSIGNED $450 Muhammad Ali is Lighting Fast!

The Black and White Cookie Syndrome!

I’ve been away visiting with my daughter in New York City. She is a young doctor in the city and among the ranks of those “dating” in Manhattan. Over breakfast one morning, we were discussing the issues of relationship and what attracts people to one another. There seem to be some basic correlations in the dating and mating process no matter what generation is at hand.

The conversation turned to peoples likes and dislikes and ultimately to aspects of relationship. As I nibbled on a black and white cookie, it reminded me that just as the movie character Forest Gump referred to life as being like a “box of chocolates”, I tend to see relationship as that of the “black and white cookie syndrome.”

My daughter looked at me with that look of the empirical mind of a surgeon, and asked what the black and white cookie had to do with relationship? She doubted that I could actually create a blog on the subject, so here’s to you my darling daughter.

I received a call from her yesterday to alert me to the fact that she saw the recently printed article where I was interviewed for an article in Cosmopolitan magazine. As a “relationship expert” and Clinical Sexologist, my opinion as Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD. was quoted in Cosmopolitan magazine. The front page article in this issue is titled, “Times You Shouldn’t Text a Guy.” As a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, I am always in motion, in the flow of research, seminars, actively looking for the newest and latest information to help my patients.

Many patients are referred to my practice by gynecologists, urologists and other medical doctors that are also hoping to help their patients. Sex therapy is a very specific specialty and it is good to see that the medical profession is accepting it as part of the integral and comprehensive treatment for their patients.

The black and white cookie analogy represents the differences we all tend to perceive as human beings. Just as in the medical professions, traditional doctors tend to view life and medical issues differently than many of the holistic doctors. These various climates of thought are often confusing to the patients. It is then up to us as individuals to make educated and rational choices, to be responsible for our own physical and mental health.

It is the same process of choosing Relationship that often lends itself to states of conflict and confusion. With the “Black and White Cookie” theory, the question arises, why do we have to like chocolate over vanilla or vanilla best over chocolate? Which side of the cookie do you go for first? Do you ever mix it up and eat half of one and half of the other, do you cheat and claim to be a chocolate lover, and yet intermittently break off little bits of the white side of the cookie? Can our individual taste choices be judged here? Would one ever dare to chastise another for their cookie preferences?

The real issue in choosing your partner and getting along with the choice of “cookie” that you made, is in the why, how and what of your choices. People make these most important choices of all, whom you plan on spending the rest of your life with, often based on poor reasoning. This ultimately ends up in the demise of their relationship or marriage.

It is of utmost import to realize exactly which side of the black and white cookie you stand for! If you are a vanilla icing kind of girl, no matter how much you try to rationalize it, you’re never going to be at that necessary comfort level with Mr. Chocolate! Although he may talk a convincing story about the rich, dark chocolate wonder of life, you may not be able to live outside of your cool creamy vanilla understanding and existence of your own values and traditions.

We often tend to make our right another’s wrong. It’s not that simple. Of course if two people are attracted enough to one another to try and build a relationship there will have to be compromise. However, make sure that you choose the familiar side of the cookie before you embark on this most interesting road to romance and lifetime commitment.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

How Does Your Business Use Social Media Marketing as a Lead Generator?

Social Marketing and Management Social Media Management

Many small businesses know social media can be a huge lead generator, but most don’t ever see the business that they hoped for or where promised. That’s because it’s hard to make an impact from just doing a few updates on your Twitter or Facebook page. That is just simply not going to cut through the noise of all the various social interactions and paid promos that exist in both those spaces.

Well-Oiled Social Media Machine

If you want to dominate the internet marketing scene, you need to hire a professional team of social media managers that can run a highly-engaged online presence. You could hire a relative or family member in-need of a job, but you won’t get the SEO and online marketing knowledge behind your active profiles that can take your business to the next level.

A social media manager is going to be not only advertising on all the social media platforms, they’re going to be actively listening to feedback, grievances about competitors, and following leads that can help build value for your brand’s image.

Hard to Capture, Easy to Keep

The other big disconnect that small businesses have with social media marketing is that they often view it as another direct marketing tool, where if they throw x-amount of dollars, they will see an increase in x-amount of customers or sales. No matter how good the social media management company is, they can never give you estimates like this, as with most other forms of advertising. It just doesn’t work the same as the old models.

It’s all about building loyal customers and allowing your strong social game to get a community to essentially provide the best form of advertising out there: word-of-mouth.

Reach for Success

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither can the success of your company, especially your online success. Social media managers can create that connection with your customers that turn them from interested buyers, to long-time fans. Every business likes fans, right? You know, those consumers who will defend and recommend your brand for as long as you give them a reason to trust you. Even if your company goes through some tough times, you can still keep afloat with a strong base of loyal customers or fans.

Those small businesses who only own one or two physical locations where they can meet personally with their customers will find the value of a strong social presence incomparable. You want to present that human element to your brand, no matter what industry you’re in; nothing is worse than PR that is so forced and so ‘used car salesman’ that you’re scrambling to find the nearest remote/trash/unsubscribe button.

Finally, your network of customers who interact with you on social media will serve as your loyal temp employees, who can answer and interact with any new customers that join the team. These rewards from having a strong social media marketing team only get better with age, so if you’re not fully-invested in one now, there’s no time like the present.

Elvis Presley Speaks! 1956 Magazine Rare Publication An Elvis Presley Treasure

Elvis Presley’s true intimate story, in his own words. Told for the first time. With 100 new unpublished photos. “Nothing beats mama’s home cooking. Corn, peas and ham. Good!” Elvis says, “I bought 4 Cadillacs, so each member of my family could have one. “He wanted to grow a mustache and sideburns, to look older. Elvis couldn’t grow a mustache, but has the sideburns. Now he’s got no choice. Sideburns are one of his trademarks. Elvis Presley tells, “How he became a living legend, at 21 years old.”

Mark Cuban Ignores Legal Advice, Gives Bad Legal Advice

Whether they give value-based advice or concentrate on their case, attorneys are paid to prompt their customers on the most proficient method to handle circumstances with legal bearing. However, in light of that fact, if an attorney recommends that a…

Is Cosmetic Laser Skin Care for You? Ask Deana Clark at BeautySmart MD Cosmetic Laser Center and Medical Spa

Beautiful Face and Skin

Feel Great, Look Great, Be Great… Call (561) 330-7579

If We Could Turn Back the Clock…

Lately, lasers have shed their science laboratory image to turn into a specialist’s and dermatologists’ most encouraging weapon in the battle against aging skin.

Laser a safe method of skin care in which a laser vaporizes shallow layers of facial skin, evacuating not just wrinkles and lines brought about by the sun and your environment, but additionally pimple inflammation scars, a few folds and wrinkles around the nose and mouth, and even precancerous and other developments. It can be said, the laser technique makes a new surface over which new skin can develop.

While the FDA does not control how specialists use these systems, it is in charge of clearing lasers for showcasing for the uses asked for by the manufacturer.

Lasers and Cosmetic Surgery

Since their 1958 disclosure, lasers have turn into an effective mechanical device, however their applications in drug have been really progressive. One reason is that lasers utilized as surgical devices can slice through tissue without creating cell death. Actually, lasers really can coagulate tissue to prevent bleeding. The wavelengths of the laser light itself lets specialists utilize the gadget specifically on certain sorts of tissues, for example, scars or hair follicles, without influencing adjacent tissue.

Be that as it may, utilizing lasers for facial skin reemerging was found coincidentally over the span of treating pimple inflammation scars with a laser, skin care specialists saw that subsequent to restoring the skin around the scar to make the scar less obvious, little adjoining wrinkles were extraordinarily reduced.

Collagen is the central protein of the skin, tendons, ligament, bone and connective tissue. It is a key stringy protein in the skin’s connective tissue, and it helps give the skin its surface. Common maturing and such elements as sun harm and smoking help separate the collagen layer so that the skin’s once smooth surface creates wrinkles. New, more energetic collagen really shapes after laser treatment.

Lasers can’t restore skin on different parts of the body nor can laser treatment lift or evacuate drooping cheeks or smooth out “creepy” or listing neck skin. These conditions just react to customary nip and tuck surgical systems.

Is Laser Skin Care for You?

Deana Clark

Deana Clark

You know how that saying goes, if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is, right? Well, with laser treatments, you really do get immediate results. It only takes a few sessions to completely eliminate scar tissue in a patch of skin.

Laser skin care is also very safe, all you feel is a warming sensation around the laser point. The estheticians that handle them will determine if your skin is not suitable for the laser, some have more sensitive skin than others, obviously.

People with really dark pigmentation can experience possible discoloring, even though the laser is highly accurate in deciphering scar tissue from regular tissue.

You can make an appointment for a free consultation if you have any concerns on whether skin care treatments like laser hair removal, body contouring, and cellulite reduction are right for you.

Feel Great, Look Great, Be Great… Call (561) 330-7579

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fiesta Tennis Social Event - The Club at Westport

You're invited to the

Fiesta Tennis Social
Friday May 22nd
Bring a can of balls & fiesta themed potluck dish to share

Please RSVP to the Pro Shop by May 20th

Professional Cleaning Services and Fabric Protection for Your Fine Furniture

Clean Sofa in Living Room Taking care of your fine furniture, carpet, upholstery and window draperies is absolutely crucial, because we understand that you’ve made an investment in buying these pieces and expect them to live up to the money that you’ve put into them. Even if you buy the highest quality fabrics, there’s more to them than just the best quality: there’s also cleaning and protection to worry about, whether you’re looking at home or industrial flooring. This is why FiberCare Dallas has plenty of cleaning options that will help you keep your fabric looking as good as new and will give you plenty of security knowing that you have a great protection plan in place.

Fabric cleaning is something that is absolutely crucial to keeping your store or home safe and clean. Regular cleaning is great and definitely a plus, but a heavy duty, professional carpet cleaning is really important to do at regular intervals. As you may have guessed, professional grade carpet cleaning means that we can get deep down to the roots of the fibres and clean them individually, ensuring that every fibre of your carpet is as clean as it can possibly be. The cleanings are designed to last as long as possible, so combined with proper upkeep on your end, your carpet can be looking its best every day of its long life!

You may be wondering how the process goes for cleaning, and we are proud and excited to share that information with you. You, our wonderful customers, are the most important part of our business, so we want you to be entirely happy with the results and feel as though you are getting the most from us here in Dallas, Texas. There are two types of cleaning that we can do, wet cleaning and dry cleaning. As you can imagine, wet cleaning is a process requiring water and dry cleaning relies on a special solvent to do the heavy lifting. The process for cleaning rugs and upholstery cleaning is the same.

The Cleaning Company

Cleaning Company Services and Fabric Protection Wet cleaning is surprisingly simple when you look at it. That being said, it is an important professional experience that we do carefully and spend as much time as needed with your property. The first step in what cleaning is vacuuming, much like you would do at home on your own time, but with a more careful and thorough process. The next step is to pre-spray spots in the carpet that are particularly stained, so those special spots can have time for the threads to loosen the dirt. After that, the entire rug or piece of furniture is sprayed with a strong enzyme that is meant for releasing dirt from the fabric, essentially ensuring that your piece of furniture will have every little bit of dirt removed. What this enzyme does, is attract the soil so that every little piece of dirt is concentrated in spots, and then when you are ready to rinse your carpet or furniture, you can pick up all of the soil that has been taken from the fabric and leave your upholstery or rug dry and perfectly clean.

Dry cleaning, though it is useful for when you cannot use water, is not as thorough as wet cleaning simply because the solvent that is used in wet cleaning cannot be used without water, and some heavy spots may not come out with dry cleaning. That being said, we take the time to make sure that your products that need to be dry cleaned are thoroughly taken care of. Dry cleaning consists of spraying the area on the furniture or carpet with the pre-spray, much like in the wet cleaning process. For areas on the carpet or furniture that are particularly soiled, we work hard to ensure that we use several advanced techniques to get the stain out of your fabric. After that we vacuum the dry solvent off of the area, and continue on to the next area until all of your belongings is entirely clean.

Fabric Cleaning and Protection

Cleaning Drapes If you’re curious as to how we go about cleaning drapes, or what the processes for fine fabric cleaning, you’ll be happy to know that we take serious pride and time to ensure that cleaning fine furniture is something that we are constantly improving, so your products will have the best care possible. For fabrics such as silk, we clean very carefully by hand and spend as much time as possible making sure that our drapery cleaning is the best it can be. It is our job to keep your drapery, upholstery and carpet looking as good as it did the day you bought it. If you’re looking for daily cleaning tips, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We love to share some ideas about how you can keep your products looking great from day to day.

If you are worried about fabric protection, you’ll be happy to know that we offer flame proofing fabrics that we can test before hand and ensure that your furniture will be entirely safe, should the worst happen. This is done by testing a piece of fabric to ensure that the fabric protection will look natural on your fabric. We say this, because occasionally the flameproofing fabrics can dull the look of fabrics such as silk, so we always offer our customers the opportunity to test a piece of fabric before purchasing out services. If you’re satisfied with the test we can continue to flameproofing to cover the entire bit of your upholstery, carpet, or drapery. We want you to have the peace of mind that your fabric and your furniture will hold up well, so we offer a certificate of flameproofing with every piece of fabric that we sell using this formula.

FiberCare Dallas is a professional company that offers services and cleaning and flameproofing that your furniture and other fabrics in your home are taken care of in the best way possible. We value our customers and hope that you will continue to work with us and help your fabric be the best it can be.

CALL FIBERCARE DALLAS at (214) 987-4111

Commercial Real Estate in Denver Starts Feeling Squeeze

Commercial Real Estate - Mortgage Broker

FREE PRE-QUALIFY SERVICE CALL 303-458-8200 Mortgage Loan Programs

Business is good for businesses in Denver, and not just for marijuana companies. The real estate sector is feeling a crunch of new buyers, sparking a surge in lease rates.

This is great news for real estate companies of course, but bad news for those who growing alongside the pot-growing industry. Rental rates are skyrocketing, shooting past ten percent from last year’s records in Denver, Colorado.

What is all this commercial real estate being used for? Well, mainly production and storage space for manufacturers of marijuana products. Much of the equipment and packaging needs to be manufactured locally, too. That’s obviously great for the economy, but it’s just taking the commercial real estate demand to a new level.

Denver Real Estate Just Got Real

It has been estimated that the production and storage of marijuana products in Denver account for about 4.5 million square feet alone in Denver. We’re not just talking about big empty warehouses, either, marijuana companies have moved onto hybrid buildings that house office spaces, plant spaces, and distribution.

Large empty buildings are being snatched up and vacant lots are being built as fast as they can, as Denver witnesses the biggest boom in economic, population, and manufacturing growth since the tech industry, and even the automotive industry boom.

In many cases, real estate agents are having to tell their clients that they need to wait until more space is available, not because they are limited to a certain budget, but because there is simply not enough available right now. In fact, real estate is so scarce that major industrial entities are filling new commercial real estate applicants into buildings that haven’t even been constructed yet.

Will The Housing Market Crash?

This market is going to resemble a bubble in a few more years, as wild investors will speculate on real estate that doesn’t exist, on start-ups who don’t have a physical presence, and on the cost of everything that directly or indirectly benefits from this lucrative space in Denver, Colorado.

Until there is a very real chance of marijuana becoming legalized federally, I don’t think investors or real estate companies have much to worry about, for now. It is quite insane to see the amount of resources being proposed for further expansion at this point in time.

Millions of square feet of commercial and industrial real estate planned, mortgages on property, which hasn’t been built yet, being signed. Yes, the sound of cash registers and signed checks is music to our nation’s ears.

If only those who hold antiquated prejudices against this medicinal miracle could go out and purchase some ear wax cleaners, or perhaps experience a little contact high to change their minds about things.

FREE PRE-QUALIFY SERVICE CALL 303-458-8200 Mortgage Loan Programs

Friday, May 15, 2015

3D Printing Marketing Services – Finally An Easy Way For 3D Printing Firms To Get Marketing Support

When Rip Saunders and Bob Chapman came into the 3D Printing Industry, they saw the hole in marketing. Bob told the 3D Printing Channel that “most of these 3D Printing firms need low cost, easy to implement, marketing solutions. His latest venture, 3D Printing Marketer, does just that. “With easy sign up and no contracts […]

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Club at Westport Newsletter - Tennis, Swim, Fitness and More

Pool Opens May 8th 4-8pm

Saturday May 9th 10am - 7pm

Sunday May 10th 12-7pm

The Club at Westport Newsletter

What's Happening at Westport May 2015

Junior Tennis

Westport Junior Tennis Club

Mon/Wed 3:30-5pm


Session 6 May 4-27

Call or Email the Pro Shop to sign up.

Ages 7-12

For the beginning to developing junior

Call or Email the Pro Shop to register

Westport Junior Academy
Tues 4-5:30pm
$96/M $120/NM
6 week session
Westport Junior CHAMPS
Tues 5:30-7pm
Begins May 5th
$96/M $120/NM
6 week session
Rainouts will be made up at the end of each session
All players are encouraged to sign up, players will be divided on court by ability.
Adult Clinics
Men's Drill
Mon 6-7pm
Ladies 2.5/3.0
Stroke of the week
Mondays 7-8pm

Adult Learn to Play


Tuesdays 7-8pm

Begins Apr 21st

New Ladies Clinics

Tues 10-11:30am

A Team

and all WP Ladies 4.0+

Wed 10-11:30am

3.5/4.0 Ladies Clinic

TH 10-11:30am

C & B Team

Fri 10-11:3am

C Team

Ladies Interclub Social

Friday May 8th

10am - 12:30pm

Sign up by Wed May 6th

Summer Junior Tennis, Swim, Karate, Dance & Tumble Camps

Mon - Fri weekly 8:45am - 1pm beginning June 1st

Download the Summer Camp Registration Form

Summer Stingrays Swim Team

Sign up by May 15th

Click Here for Practice Times & Info

Friday Night Social

May 22nd 6:30-10pm

Potluck Summer Fiesta Theme

Sign up at the Pro Shop

by May 20th

Westport Adult Spring Smash


3.5 Men's Doubls Champions

Dean Lutz/Jim Jarrett

7.0 Mixed Champions

Jim Fortenberry & Margaret Schrum

2.5 Ladies Doubles 2nd Place

Diane Davis & Sarah Pero

3.5 Ladies Doubles Champions

Kim Cedrone & Vickie Peaire

Thank you to all Westport Members who came outSaturday for matches!


Group Personal Training w/ Lindsey


Thursdays 8:15-9am

Sign up Weekly by Wed at 9am

Cost based on # of participants

**24 Hour cancellation please**

New Fitness Schedule-Free for Members

Mon/Wed 8:15am Sports Yoga w/ Catherine

Tues 6:30am P90x

Tues 6:30pm Yoga w/ Linda

(gentle, light yoga)

Friday 8:30am Pilates/Yoga/Barre w/ Gina

Try the new Video Workout in the Weight room!!

The Film Spectator December 22, 1928 Headlines – My Forever Treasures

The Film Spectator, early film industry weekly. Film reviews, articles advertisements, and all things film. To this point, The Film Spectator, catered to the silent film industry. With the invention of sound on film, this would change. “Talkies” were about to put an end, to the silent film industry. These headlines, would appear 3 weeks before the paranoia of “the public, not wanting to hear voices.” Are you interested in this item? Contact Us:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brandon Marinoff – Marinoff and Associates, P.C – Criminal Defense and Immigration Attorneys

Whether you need a lawyer to handle your criminal defense lawsuit or immigration issue, we can help. For more information or discuss your situation contact our law office online at or by calling 720-621-7635.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Vintage 1956 Sex Symbols Glossy Arcade Photos

The Four Sex Symbols of 1956. 1.Elvis Presley, Rock and Roll Sex Symbol. “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Blue Suede Shoes” both # 1… His film and gold record “Love Me Tender” both released as well. Long Live The King. 2. James Dean, Movies Star Sex Symbol. He received Academy Award nominations for “East of Eden” and “Giant” posthumously. James Dean became a legend for his misunderstood teenager, in “Rebel Without A Cause.” His tragic premature death, in a car crash at just 24, immortalized his legend. 3. Don Murray, a Cowboy Sex Symbol, for his role as the cowboy who’s looking for rodeo gold, but ends up lassoing Marilyn Monroe’s heart in “Bus Stop” which brought him an Academy Award Nomination. 16 years later, to pay for his children’s college tuition, Don Murray was playing a governor who hates apes, in “Planet of the Apes.” 4. Pat Boone is the squeaky clean, Safe Sex Symbol of this this group… His daughter, Debbie Boone had a # 1 hit song “You Light Up My Life.” Related Posts: Elvis Presley “Love Me Tender” 1956, Limited Edition Gold Record Key Chain – While on a break from filming, Elvis appeared on the Ed Sullivan […]

Center for Massage Therapy in Denver Provides Professional and Comfortable Massage Environment

At the Center for Massage Therapy, we have dedicated ou […]

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cleaning Leather Sofas and Chairs Requires Specialized Care and Cleaning Products

Did you know that cleaning leather sofas requires specialized care and specific cleaning products? It is very easy to damage your leather sofa when you try to clean it, so it is important to determine which type of leather your Continue reading

Colorado Residential Home Mortgage and Commercial Real Estate Loans

The average price for a standard family home reached record highs recently, despite there being more homes on the market. It shot up 11% from last year. Don’t let this rise in cost deter you from owning your dream home, it’s all about knowing what you can afford to pay on a monthly basis after […]

Happy Mother’s Day!

 Just saying Thank You to all the WONDERFUL Mothers out […]

Friday, May 8, 2015

Vintage Marlene Dietrich and Jimmy Stewart Autographed “Destry Rides Again” 1939 Photo

Silent films captured Dietrich’s eroticism and aura of mystery. Her role as Lola in “The Blue Angel” made her an international star. Marlene’s version of a glamorous “Femme Fatale” is the reason, she was one of the highest paid actresses of the 1930’s. In 1939’s light-hearted western, “Destry Rides Again” she played “Frenchie” the saloon girl. Dietrich offered great chemistry opposite Jimmy Stewart’s drawl voiced peace keeper.This was his first western. The film was a huge success. The next year, would have Stewart winning an Academy Award for “The Philadelphia Story.” Contact My Forever Treasures if you’re interested in this item. Click Here.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

3D Printing Industry Predictions – Who Will Be the Next Players in the 3D Printing Industry?

3D Printing Slide Show – Who Will Be The Next Players in the 3D Printing Industry from Bill Decker For more on the 3D Printing Industry, check out the 3D Printing Trade Association

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

James Brown Black History Club Harlem

My Forever Treasures celebrates Black History Month,  every day of the  year. We offer a  vintage Club Harlem , Atlantic City, Promotional Ashtray. One of the greatest night clubs, to see black superstar entertainment.  Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown,  Ella Fitzgerald and Sam Cooke were just a few of Club Harlem’s  attractions. There was an all sepia floor show and even gambling in the back room. To compliment the promotional ashtray,  is a James Brown 1968 pinback.  It publicizes Brown’s hit song, “Say it Loud. I’m Black and I’m Proud.”  James had 16 # 1 songs on Billboard’s R. & B. charts.  “It’s A Man’s World” and “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag” are two of his classics, that made James Brown “Soul Brother # 1. “

3D Printing Update From China – Latest 3D Printing News

Don’t worry about the dialog, there are plenty of subtitles. This is just to show how international the 3D Printing industry really is. This show from China discusses updates and directions of the 3D Printing business.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Number One Way to Have a Fulfilling Relationship: Choosing Love

How can you be missing someone that never existed? No matter how much you hoped for or pretended that things weren’t all that bad, you find that you’re alone without your partner. Seeking a rock to stand on you’ve taken all you can bear and climbed up and out of the relationship. Your memory will […]

Removing Pillow Stains Before And After Pictures

  FiberCare is an invisible, long-lasting finish that protects against spots, stains and spills. FiberCare works by impregnating fibers with co-polymer resins in a mineral spirit base. This means dust and dirt can’t get trapped within the fiber. Spills can Continue reading

Vintage 1916 Mary Pickford Autographed Photo – My Forever Treasures

Mary Pickford was the most famous silent film actress. In 1909, when she started her film career, actors and actresses were not given their name in screen credit. The audience took to her as the “girl with the golden curls.” She became a sensation as “America’s Sweetheart.” Several of her silent films grossed more than $ 1 million, and by 1916, she was receiving a $10,000 a week salary. With Chaplin, Fairbanks and Griffith, she formed 20th Century Fox for film distribution. As producer and star of her own films, she became the most powerful woman in motion picture history. She was one of the founders of the Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. She won an Academy Award for Best Actress, in 1929’s “Coquette” her first “talkie.” She owned the rights to the film and it’s more than one million dollars gross as well. After retiring, Mary Pickford continued producing films. She sold her remaining shares of 20th Century Fox in 1956.

Friday, May 1, 2015

3D Printing Factory of the Future?

Jeff Hanson, presents a factory of the future. The factory includes a fully automated digital production facility, with 90 machines and only 2 people working on the floor, replacing materials and moving parts. Hanson explains the process of how a customer would go online, pick from the list of models, click print and the order […]