Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Quotes From The Heart

Love is the most personal of emotions. It is our reason for being, and one of the most purposeful reasons for living. Most of us feel love at some point in time in their life. Whether it is the love of a parent, child, sibling, peer, or personal partner, each of us feels love and expresses love differently. Everyone that loves is unique and all lovers create their own singular world.

We all have our own personal dreams, those that bring us together, and those that break us apart. All lovers must first and foremost share the courage to be in love.

A loving relationship is the delicate merging of two souls. The old adage of those that don’t risk in life may never gain or know success. The same is true in the game of love. There is risk in loving another human being; however there is no more powerful magic in the entire universe than that of being in love. Without hope or the courage to risk it all for love that ship may pass in the night without leaving even a ripple on your map of life.

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