Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Colorado U.S. Real Estate Trends and Financial News

Denver Commercial Real Estate

National Housing Market Continues Rebound

“We saw a significant improvement in housing markets nationwide, with 10 more metro areas and nine more states moving within range of their benchmark, stable level of housing activity,” said Len Kiefer, deputy chief economist for Freddie Mac. “The West and Southwest areas of the country continue to lead the way, especially Colorado, Oregon and Utah, and California is right there as well.


Hatteras Financial Corp. on Thursday announced plans to purchase Pingora Asset Management and Pingora Loan Servicing of Denver, Colorado.


Top Five Real Estate Trends in 2015

Throughout the year, home prices have continued to rise. In January 2015 the average home price rose by 5.7 percent over 2014 listed prices. With the rise of home prices, local markets across Texas, Wyoming, New York, and Colorado have continued to exceed expectations.


Contact Stanford Funding for all your Denver Home Loans and Colorado Mortgage Refinancing needs. Ask us about our commercial real estate opportunities. CALL 303-458-8200

Monday, June 29, 2015

Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock 1957 Film Poster

“Jailhouse Rock” was Elvis Presley’s third film. Elvis played a released ex. con, who had served time, for an unfortunate manslaughter charge. A familiar Presley premise, offered him aspiring, to be a successful singer. He would overcome obstacles and fall in love, before the final credits read, “The End.” A great # 1 song “Jailhouse Rock,” had Elvis singing the song, in a great dance number, he choreographed himself.  Many consider, the “Jailhouse Rock” dance number, Elvis Presley’s greatest screen moments,  of his entire film career. 22″ x 28″ # 57 /533 lithograph poster M.G.M. 1957.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Big Data Isn’t A Big Problem!

Can we use Big Data in a easy, non threatening way to help companies with their problems? As a matter of fact, can we even find out what the problems are?

Enjoy this light and fun Big Data Show. It talks about the Cube of data.

Data Cartoon – Everyone Loves Data Humor

data fun

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Criminal Defense Attorney Facts, Motivation and Strategies to Win a Jury Trial

10 Facts About Attorneys That You May Not Know There are many misconceptions and stereotypes about what attorneys do… if you become involved in a legal dispute and need to hire a lawyer, you should know a few facts… READ…

3D Printing Video – Additive Manufacturing For Working Vehicle Parts

Redwood City-based Carbon3D – which developed Continuous Liquid Interface Production technology (CLIP) – a 3D printing technology that grows parts from UV curable resins at speeds as much as 25 to 100 times faster than conventional 3D printing processes. The resulting parts boast mechanical properties that are applicable for a range of vehicle needs.

Body Weight Fitness and Training Exercises for Muscle Building

Planche - Body Weight Training

Body weight exercises are strength training exercises that do not require free weights… your own weight provides the resistance for the movement. Body movements such as push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups are some of the most common bodyweight exercises.

50 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment.


Is Bodyweight Training Effective for Building Muscle?

Bodyweight training is incredibly effective for building muscle. Some would even argue that it’s better than free weights.


Why I Believe Bodyweight Training is BEST

Combining bodyweight training & weight training for maximum benefit.

So, which is better, bodyweight exercise or weight training? The answer is neither is better.

In fact, often you will get more benefit if you use both approaches together.

44 Best Bodyweight Fitness and Training Exercises Ever! Time to get motivated!

Acupuncture Now Available!

Center for Massage Therapy

Please call us at 303-777-1151 to schedule your appointment.

At our massage center, we have dedicated ourselves to provide those in need of massage in Denver, CO with impeccable service in a comfortable and professional massage environment. Come and see why our massage therapy clinic was voted one of the Top 10 places in Denver to receive a massage by Citysearch – Best of Denver.

Joe Frazier Jerry Quarry 1969 Fight Poster Foreman Debut

June 23, 1969, Joe Frazier vs. Jerry Quarry fight poster. George Foreman’s  professional boxing debut.  Frazier and Quarry battled non-stop for 7 rounds. The press declared, “this was the best fight of 1969.”  Frazier TKO’d Quarry in 7 rounds,  successfully defending  his portion of the Heavyweight Crown. George Foreman, 20 year old Olympic Champion,  made his professional debut. He won by a 3 round TKO.  3 1/2 years later, George Foreman would win Joe’s title with a 2 round TKO. This pay per view,  14″ x 22″  Murray Poster Printing Co. Classic is rare. Future Champion George Foreman’s debut makes it a genuine boxing treasure. BUY NOW: $350

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Federal Reserve Keeps Short-Term Interest Rate Near Zero

Janet Yellen - Federal Reserve

Fed officials sharply downgraded their economic forecast for this year. They projected the economy would grow between 1.8% and 2% this year, well below the range of 2.3% to 2.7% in its last forecast in March… While the housing market “has shown some improvement,” central bank policymakers said exports and investments by businesses have been soft.


Federal Reserve: Rate hike likely before year-end… The Federal Reserve on Wednesday signaled that the U.S. economy is nearly ready to stand on its own but sought to assure investors that the process would be gradual.


Learn about the Federal Reserve System… CLICK HERE.

Excerpt : Sex From the Couch – Sugar Daddy Gone Wrong

Since when did we become the voice of reason? Sooner or later you play all the parts.

They were a beautiful couple, his British accent made him all the more handsome; she was much younger with an exotic Latina flair. Gerard and Marta had come to therapy seeking help as the marriage was out of control. The police along with the court system, attorneys, restraining orders, and veiled threats against each other, were now ongoing and egregious.

Their daily actions were both conspicuously bad and offensive, including Marta’s ramming Gerard’s Bentley with her car and having him thrown out of their Ten-Million dollar home and put in jail, based on her accusations that he had beaten her and threatened her life. Now they sat before the Psychologist looking to see if there was anything left to save of the marriage.

The transgressions in the marriage were numerous and both parties were complicit in their infidelity. This disloyalty, might have been expected from Gerard, he had a long history of womanizing ways. But Marta, she was but a novice, a wide eyed child with dreams and expectations in the world of such unfaithfulness, compared to her husband— yet certainly not an innocent. He had been living with a woman his age with her two children while Marta was out of town for several months during the summer. She had gone back to her country for some plastic surgery. While there, Marta had also taken a lover and disclosed this with some amount of bravado, to the doctor.

“Why did you get plastic surgery? Was there a physical problem? You are so young.” Marta responded, “Oh, I went for pussy rejuvenation… do you want me to show you? I had lost weight and my pussy was hanging too low.” She stood up motioning to her pubic area. The doctor vehemently replied, “No, no… that is ok, you don’t have to show me, I understand what you had done.”

Leaving the office after her individual session with the doctor that afternoon, Marta paused; leaning against the door, she looked the doctor up and down and said, “I can see why Gerard comes to you, he likes “Granniii Ladieeess”… you are his type.” The Dr. was confused and asked, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Marta repeated, “Granniii Ladieees… you know, the older women, he likes that, you are his type. That woman he was living with while I was away in Colombia was in her forties, ugh… older!”

The Doctor looked at Marta in disbelief; taken aback by what she had just heard. She thought to herself, oh boy, I’ve got my work cut out for me with this one. Of course she has no respect for her twenty year senior, new husband; this girl respects no one, not even her doctor. The Doctor just looked at Marta, speechless, and thought, she stands proudly in her expensive new clothes, and new found lifestyle, yet her crassness shows through like a dingy light, casting its harsh yellow brashness on Marta’s store bought, prestige. Sadly, no matter what you dressed Marta up in, her greed and shallow interior would color her future as fate would have it…

Ask Dr. Arlene G. Krieger, LMFT, Ph.D. Clinical Sexologist, President and Principle Consultant, Boca Therapy and Author of Sex From The Couch.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

FibeCare Dallas Cleaning Tips and Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services

Modern Upholstery Cleaning

Do you need to eliminate odors from your furniture? Using carpet and upholstery deodorizers with baking soda is one of the best ways to get rid of unpleasant odors. You can even use plain baking soda in some cases, since it can trap the invisible molecules that cause the odors.

If you are using petroleum based carpet or upholstery cleaners, make sure to follow the instructions regarding proper ventilation, and DO NOT smoke while using the product.

Does your upholstery have deep stains that are difficult to remove? Hiring a professional cleaning company is the best way to remove stains from materials such as ink, blood, tomato sauce, wine, and grease.

Did you know that the most common procedure for upholstery is through steam cleaning, which uses a combination of hot water and a cleaning solution? Professionals release this combination onto your furniture and then extract it into a wastewater tank.

One of the benefits of hiring a professional to clean your carpets, rugs, and upholstery is that you can often receive a 14- to 30-day guarantee. This ensures the company will do a follow-up cleaning at no charge if you are dissatisfied with the cleaning.

If you use a professional carpet and upholstery cleaning service, when you find one you like, stick with them. Reputable companies keep records on how frequently they clean, and the materials being cleaned. This facilitates a more efficient service.

CALL FiberCare Dallas at (214) 987-4111.

Big Data and Big Global Business – International Business Podcast

Is Big Data the next Big Business? Check out this global business podcast and listen to Rich Batenburg Jr of Cliintel explain why.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Quotes From The Heart

Love is the most personal of emotions. It is our reason for being, and one of the most purposeful reasons for living. Most of us feel love at some point in time in their life. Whether it is the love of a parent, child, sibling, peer, or personal partner, each of us feels love and expresses love differently. Everyone that loves is unique and all lovers create their own singular world.

We all have our own personal dreams, those that bring us together, and those that break us apart. All lovers must first and foremost share the courage to be in love.

A loving relationship is the delicate merging of two souls. The old adage of those that don’t risk in life may never gain or know success. The same is true in the game of love. There is risk in loving another human being; however there is no more powerful magic in the entire universe than that of being in love. Without hope or the courage to risk it all for love that ship may pass in the night without leaving even a ripple on your map of life.

Visit BeautySmart, M.D. in Boca Raton for a Free Gift!

BeautySmart, M.D. is now a new Mindful Minerals distributor for East Boca Raton, Florida and we are very excited to be carrying the line and are getting great feedback from our clients. Come visit Deana Clark at BeautySmart, M.D. in Boca Raton to receive your free gift!

CALL 561-330-7579

Beautiful Faces - Skin Care

3D Printing and Reconstructive Surgery

Dr Muhanad Hatamleh from King’s College Hospital in London speaks with Disruptive Magazine about how 3d printing is helping surgeons cut operating times while delivering a better and more inclusive experience for patients requiring reconstructive surgery.

Which 3D Printing Firms Will Succeed and Which Will Fail?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bruce Jenner Interview – Sexual Health and Current Cutting Edge News

Bruce Jenner Interview, Diane Sawyer, 20/20

All the news stories, pictures and videos of Bruce Jenner’s 20/20 exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer at ABC News.



“As a Ph.D. Clinical Sexologist, Researcher and Author I will be posting a New Selection of: INFO -Sexual Health & Current Cutting Edge News posts on my blog. I welcome all Questions and Comments and look forward to hearing from my readers.”

– Dr. Arlene G. Krieger

The Ancient Healing Art of Acupuncture

Yin Yang

Acupuncture is a an ancient healing art, and a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine. Most people have a basic concept of acupuncture, and know that it involves inserting thin needles into the body. But there is so much more to explore. Let’s take a deeper look at this intriguing practice, which has anecdotally helped so many with pain relief, allergies, nausea, insomnia, and a wide range of other ailments.

It is an alternative method for caring for your body and improving your health which might look exotic and intimidating on the surface. Our objective here is to demystify it, and as you learn more about what acupressure is and how it works, you can decide if it is right for you.

An “acupuncture point” is a specific spot on the body located along one of the meridians (connected points across the anatomy which affect a specific organ,) which is focused on in acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture points tend to be located at the exact spot where a nerve enters a muscle, at the exact midpoint of a muscle, or at the enthesis where muscle joins with bone. There are hundreds of these points, all over the human body, each of them located and named over the course of centuries.

There are, in fact, are 400 of them, not counting bilateral points twice. And these points aren’t only treated with needles: acupuncture therapy can involve the application of pressure, heat, or even lasers. The purpose of stimulating these points, in traditional Chinese medicine, is to bring the patient relief from their symptoms by rebalancing the human body’s complex energies. This is a theory based on the holistic paradigm of Chinese health practices, and has no analogue in Western medicine.

Like with yoga and other forms of traditional health practices, there has been an increasing interest in acupuncture as more and more people in the Western world become inclined to seek out alternative, holistic methods of treating various conditions, without recourse to pharmaceutical or other mainstream medical treatment. Also, acupuncture is often used as an adjunct to other forms of treatment. For instance, it is commonly used in addition to physical therapy in rehabilitating injuries, or along with deep-tissue massage for stress relief.

Looking at the historical context for the use of acupuncture, we see that it has long been used to treat expectant mothers, with the intent of ensuring babies are born strong, happy, healthy, with strong immune systems and resistance to germs, and with minimal transmission of toxins from mother to child. Modern practitioners of acupuncture often recommend monthly treatments during pregnancy to support optimal health of the mother and developing baby. Along with prenatal massage, it can be a great help in preparation for labor.

At the Center for Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, we strive to offer a wide range of holistic treatment options, so that you have access to excellent, highly-trained practitioners in a variety of fields and can decide what style and combination of treatment works best for you.

Please call us at 303-777-1151 or contact us for more information.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Google Misses Out on Apple’s Slice of Mobile Transactions

Google Inc. won’t earn any transaction fees from credit-card issuers for its coming mobile-phone payments service, unlike Apple Inc., because of evolving ground rules for the services.

Credit-card issuers hope the changes pressure Apple to trim or eliminate its fees, say industry executives, highlighting the speed at which the economics are changing in the evolving mobile-payments business.

Google disclosed its payments service, Android Pay, in late May, with wireless providers, payment networks, retailers and banks, stepping up competition with Apple Pay, which launched late last year.

Hundreds of financial institutions scrambled to work with Apple Pay, afraid of being left at a competitive disadvantage. As a result, big banks and other card issuers agreed to give Apple 0.15% of the value of each credit-card transaction. For bank debit cards, Apple collects a half-cent per purchase, according to people familiar with the service.

“This is a bold move on behalf of the banks,” said Rick Oglesby, head of research at Double Diamond Payments Research. After agreeing to Apple’s terms for Apple Pay, “they’re now taking a stand against similar deals. It could easily turn into a standoff.”

Many of Apple’s contracts are for three years, and have roughly two years to go, according to people familiar with the situation.

Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2015

Researchers 3D Print Own Drones to Film at the South Pole

We’ve all seen drones, whether on TV or in-person, and we’ve all seen 3D printers, too. A 3D printed drone, therefor doesn’t sound too impressive, considering they require typical mechanical parts. The thing is, like with most 3D printed objects, a 3D printed drone doesn’t exactly sound like a great investment, due to the quality of materials you’re usually dealing with.

So, it was on this general premise, which researchers at the famous Institute of Mechanical Engineering in Beihang University set out to make a drone that could withstand the unforgiveable Antarctic wasteland.

3D printing videos are a dime a dozen nowadays, there’s 3D printed news on new parts, gadgets, and devices being made all the time. But, a 3D printing video shot from a 3D printed drone flying around the South Pole? That’s lowering the barrier of entry for humans in extreme cold environments.

Let’s build a Snow Drone

This project all started in November of last year, and lasted until March, following the Chinese Antarctic Expedition Team. With them would fly six unmanned drones to capture lots of useful data from the skies and get some of the best 3D printing video footage you’ve never seen before on a 3D printing channel before. These six drones would follow and document the construction of an important airport runway by the Chinese Expedition Team, covering over 30,000 miles in the process.

As per Liang Jianhong the UAVs were abnormal bits of gear that took over a month to outline. “In any case, by utilizing 3D printing innovation, they were constructed in just 15 days.” These bizarre creations were just 33% of the measure of standard UAVs, and in addition foldable arms. Outlined particularly for flights in the Antarctic environment, the little drones had no issues with conditions going from negative 15 and -20 ° Celsius temps. Once the UAV’s casing is collapsed, issues could happen with the control framework.

In spite of this little catch, this 3D printed drone design came to top speeds in the reach of 30-40 km per hour on the ice, while tests demonstrated that it was fundamentally solid, with no issues reported.

So, you may surmise that flying a shoddy 3D printed UAV around the recreation center is fine, however the machine is generally totally unsatisfactory for unforgiving conditions like the Arctic. As it would turn out, conventional automatons are produced using carbon fiber material and in this manner truly fit for working in different conditions.

In any case, these much less expensive 3D printed automatons were more adaptable and subsequently suitable for this challenging mission. It would costs three months to make an arrangement of carbon fiber molds, and the expense of normal made ones is 20 times that of these 3D printed counterparts. Also, you can’t change the outlines of those carbon drones. These drone experiments are the first ever 3D printed drone videos to film on Antarctica, and certainly will not be the last of their kind.

Laser Tattoo Removal in Boca Raton, Florida – Get $50 Off

A recent Pew Study found 39% of all millennials have at least one tattoo… many have multiple tattoos. Yet for every trend, there is a counter-trend. A report done by Patient’s Guide in the United States suggested there was a 32% rise in tattoo removal in 2012 alone.


Laser Tatoo Removal - Boca Raton FL

Getting a tattoo should require a lot of consideration. After all, a tattoo is forever.

But doctors say there may be something else to think about besides the design you want etched onto your body for the rest of your life. Researchers at the NYU Medical Center say as many as 6% of New Yorkers who get tattoos end up with some form of tattoo-related rash.

When these rashes appeared, researchers said the severe itching or swelling could last longer than four months and, in some cases, for many years.



Top 5 Things to Know if You’re Getting a Tattoo (and there is any chance you will want it gone)

  • Red ink is next to impossible to remove, avoid it if you can (black is one of the easiest to remove).
  • The more concentrated the ink, the harder it is to remove. Some tattoo artists will go over the same spot to make it appear darker. Be aware of this.
  • Avoid getting inked near sensitive bone areas, such as your feet, because the pain of having it removed might not be worth it.
  • Tattoos that are closer to your lymph nodes will be easier to remove because it is your lymphatic system that will carry the ink away.
  • Laser clinics will use a Fitzpatrick scale that will help rate your skin from pale to dark to determine if you are suitable for removal (dark skin is hard to treat).

Top 5O Tattoo Fails

Laser Tattoo Removal Boca Raton Florida



CALL BeautySmart, M.D. in Boca Raton, FL to schedule your appointment: 561-330-7579

Monday, June 8, 2015

3D Printing Business Education

Future of 3D Printing - 3D Printing Business Education

3D printing has gotten much consideration in the press over the years. Built up as the innovation to realize a 3rd modern revolution. Quite the proclamation, but it is not made on just a whim. 3D printing innovations were developed in the late 80s, and since they have seen enduring, if unspectacular, development. After 2009, changes happened which have seen the fortunes of the 3D printing business world take an unexpected turn to improve things in great strides.

Makers of 3D printers are reporting a surge popularity and markets for 3D printing are advancing quickly over various application platforms as new materials advancement opens up new doors. The need for 3D printing business education is now catching up with the demand.

Advanced 3D Printing and Marketing

3D printers actually contribute to a heap of advancements, in view of various diverse industries. The procedure has added substance in nature, as materials are produced where required, and hence bringing about essentially less material wastage than conventional assembling procedures. Each of the innovations is suitable for utilization with an alternate scope of materials, which changes the suitable uses of the printer.

Initially utilized for the fast generation of models for structures and parts testing, applications are transitioning towards likewise utilitarian testing of models under meeting expectations conditions, and further, the assembling of finished products.

Whilst 3D printing of finished products is generally used less in contrast with conventional assembling strategies, new, more mind boggling avenues are opened up, empowering the financial generation of big industries, like the aviation and auto businesses. Applications are likewise developing in the therapeutic and dental fields.

Looking to the Future of 3D Printing

A report talks about each of the innovations and on-going mechanical advances top to bottom, and investigations in both the present and future markets for 3D printing business. We additionally present nitty gritty estimates for the eventual fate of the 3D printing business.

This info will be helpful to any association at present considering how 3D printing may be of use to them, yet are uncertain of the right innovation to utilize. It will likewise be of use to any association officially acquainted with 3D printing, yet wish to look for either a more extensive outline, or a more precise and modern information of the field and its advancement.

Development of the 3D printing business sector is being driven by various elements. Enhanced 3D printing business education has assumed a noteworthy part as exposure, with respect to the innovations’ increase as of late. Costs of a few models have likewise fallen which has helped, as has the scope of materials choices accessible.

The home market for 3D printers, at times known as the specialist business, will remain generally slow as constraints regarding the scope of materials accessible will continue for years to come.

It appears that the medical and dental industries have great promise, sitting at roughly 141 million dollars for 3D printing investment. Experts place it at nearly one billion dollars in just ten years, thanks to the overwhelming demand in equipment manufacturing and implants advancements.

3D Printing Marketing and Social Media Management

Friday, June 5, 2015

With New Digital Program, Visa Drops Token Fees, Offers Issuers Single Connection to All Services

With its Visa Digital Enablement Program, announced last week on the same day Google Inc. unveiled Android Pay, Visa Inc. has introduced application programming interfaces for card-issuing institutions to link to potentially thousands of digital-payments services with a single integration and without separate business agreements for each.

Visa also hopes to make those arrangements virtually cost-free for issuers. Services that connect to VDEP agree not to levy fees. And with VDEP Visa itself has decided to permanently waive the tokenization fees it devised last year and put on a temporary hold. The fees reportedly included a 7-cent charge for each token and 2 cents for each decline.

That’s where Visa says VDEP will make things easier. Instead of confronting commercial contracts and integrations individually with each service, issuers will be able to turn on a service with a single connection to Visa. “An issuer will have the ability to throw a switch,” notes Rick Oglesby, a senior analyst at Double Diamond Group, a Centennial, Colo.-based consultancy who follow mobile payments.

Digital Transactions, June 2, 2015

3D Printing Demonstration in Finland

Just a quick film to show the spread of 3D Printing around the world. This takes place in Finland. I wonder when the 3D Print will Finish? (ha ha)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Vintage 1920 Charlie Chaplin Tin Pencil Case The Tramp Artwork by Henry Clive

Vintage 1920,  Charlie Chaplin Tin Pencil Case. “Tramp” artwork by Henry Clive. Clive was among the most in demand, for his museum quality pastels of Ziegfield Follies, flappers and film stars like Chaplin, Pickford and Pola Negri. His artwork was featured on pencil cases, cosmetic tins and screen magazines into the 1950’s. From 1920, Henry Clive became Charlie Chaplin’s Art Director, for all his films. Henry played a villain, in Chaplin’s “City Lights.”  All his rare original artwork, is highly sought, as he was a master of pastels… The artwork of the “Tramp” on this pencil case, marks the beginning of a long successful collaboration for these two very talented artists.  This silent film treasure, is a Beutebox Canco  Product. 8″ x 2.5″ Pamper yourself. You deserve the best. $2,500 + shipping.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The 20 Hottest Real Estate Markets – Housing Prices Soaring in Denver, Colorado

Denver resoundingly maintained the top ranking as inventory there shaved six days off the median age while listing views grew 7% over April. Like Dallas, Denver is experiencing substantial economic growth, and the tight supply of housing is resulting in the fastest-moving inventory in the country.

Housing Prices Soaring in Denver: Colorado Real Estate News

Monday, June 1, 2015

Association of 3D Printing – The Leading Voice for the 3D Printing Community

Association of 3D Printing: The Leading Voice for the 3D Printing Community
The Association of 3D printing helps experts–as well as consumers–understand the intricate nature of 3D printing.

As a membership-based organization, the Association of 3D Printing works with manufacturers, 3D printing companies, “makers,” designers, universities and service providers who are making new breakthroughs in the 3D printing industry. Because this association is a nationally and internationally recognized industry leader, the Association of 3D Printing provides members the collective power to change and influence uprising issues.


Don’t Knock The Rock & You Rock and I’ll Roll 3 1/2 inch 1956 Promotional Film Pinbacks

In Dec. 1956, the premiere  of the film “Don’t Knock The Rock” took place. This was the follow-up to the very successful, Bill Halley and the Comets film “Rock Around the Clock. ” A disc jockey in this 1956 music film, presents a rock concert.  He wants to  show parents, rock and roll music, won’t turn their children into juvenile delinquents. Haley and the Comets,  and other hit makers are part of the stage show. “Don’t Knock The Rock” is highlighted by Little Richard’s debut performance of “Tutti Fruitti” and “Long Tall Sally.”  Promotional Pinback,   “Don’t Knock the Rock” is taken from the film title.  “You Rock and I’ll Roll” is a phrase heard from fans of the music. Both are large 3.5.” and extremely rare, especially early rock and roll treasures. For the collector of vintage, museum quality rock memorabilia. Bill Gates has us on speed dial. $2,500 each, + shipping. These 2 pinbacks belong in a rock and roll museum, or a safety deposit box.  Enjoy.