Saturday, January 31, 2015

International Business Videos – Does the Best Product Win Overseas?

The No. 1 assumption: “It worked in our market. It should work in theirs.” It would be easy to write an entire column on this assumption. It’s a common mistake in International Marketing We sell products in colors that are taboo. We don’t recognize that there may be seven- or even 15-step distribution chains in […]

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Business Podcast – Why is Sales Such An Unholy Word?

Why is Sales such an unholy word? Hear two sales guys talking about the sales stigma. Everything you see, from the moment you wake until the moment you sleep has been sold. Maybe some sales training will help?

Top 10 3D Printing Trends of 2015 – 3D Printing Slide Show

Take a look at our 3D Printing predictions and trends for 2015. Do you want to read the full 3D Printing article? Read about materials, education, 3D printing predictions and how large firms will address the 3D Printing Industry.

Apple Killed the Mobile Wallet? No, Not in the Least

Rick Oglesby, senior analyst at Double Diamond Payments […]

3D Printing Trends – Top 10 3D Printing Trends for 2015

10 Trends in 3D Printing For 2015 from Bill Decker

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

3D Printed Proof/Evidence of Lumbar Compression Fracture

Above are examples of 3D printed compression fractures. Compressions fractures often result from car accidents, falls or tripping, and sports accidents. These samples were produced from MRI images and converted into data readable by a 3D printer. 3D printed images of injuries provide a new perspective for attorneys, doctors, experts,…

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Apple killed the mobile wallet? No, not in the least

Rick Oglesby, senior analyst at Double Diamond Payments […]

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What are the Differences Between Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Thai Massage and Pregnancy massage?

Jen Hilman talks about the differences between Swedish […]

Sales Pros Discuss Sales – What is the Stigma Against the Word Sales?

Everything you see, from the moment you wake until the moment you sleep has been “sold.” Hear us review the term “sales” and discuss in a humorous way! For more on sales, try listening to some business talk radio at the Lemonade Stand.

Friday, January 23, 2015

3D Printing Business Advice – Why is Sales Such an Unpopular Word?

Why is “sales” such an unpopular term?  Listen to a couple of guys whose careers started in sales discuss the use and misuse of the term: “sales”

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Payments Facilitator and Payments Aggregation – Double Diamond Group Consulting

Denver-based Double Diamond Group LLC provides expert consulting services to the global electronic payments and mobile payments industry. Double Diamond Group helps payments industry clients solve their most critical business challenges with a unique blend of experience, connections and know-how. From venerable leaders to promising start-ups, Double Diamond Group works with companies of all sizes […]

3D Printing and 3D Printing Business – Some Major Effects

The world will react to 3D Printing technology, and the trends are clear. Governments that protect labor pools will tax the technology. Many countries adopted protectionist measures to keep citizens employed. These measures were designed to stop foreign competition from selling products in protectionist countries. Nations put tariffs on, for example, Chinese, Japanese and even […]

3D Printing Teleportation of Physical Objects

Scotty allows teleporting inanimate physical objects across distance. Each Scotty unit consists of an off-the-shelf 3D printer that we have extended with a 3-axis milling machine, a camera, and a microcontroller for encryption/decryption and transmission. Users place an object into the sender unit, enter the address of a receiver unit, and press the teleport button. […]

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Value of 3D Printed Exhibits and Evidence in the Legal and Medical Field

 3D printed exhibits of injuries have the potential to be impactful beyond the use of Courtroom or legal purposes. Using this technology can be both beneficial to your client’s case and health. On multiple occasions, 3D printed exhibits/evidence allowed Medical Doctors to diagnose and detect injuries previously undetected MRIs, CT-Scan,…

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Monday, January 19, 2015

3D Printed Injury Exhibits as Persuasive Evidence in Modern Courtrooms

3D printed evidence of injuries presented in a Courtroom as demonstrative evidence may seem avant-garde. Frankly, nothing seems further from the truth. Presenting 3D printed exhibits in Courtroom should be fairly standard. These are just representation in different format of already proven technologies like MRI’s and CT-scans and the like.…

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Friday, January 16, 2015

New 3D Printing Developments in 3D Printed Prosthetics – Live From the Intel Booth

HP Sprout at Intel Booth – CES 2015. Watch what this HP computer does with 3D Printing and 3D Scanning. It turns 3D objects into 3D Renders.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

3D Printing Injury Evidence for Use in Courts

   3D printed evidence has been used for presentation of evidence to Juries pertaining to criminal matters.  3D printing technology has been used to create foot print impressions, enlarged 3D fingerprints, and even inspect internal injuries caused by bullets and stabbing. Therefore, it is not a technology that is not…

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

3D Printed Exhibits and Evidence

“This technology will change the world,” how many times have we heard this? However, here it is true. This technology will change how attorneys present their case to a Court and Jury. We are talking about 3D printing. 3D printing is possible due to a combination of many technologies that…

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What Are the Types of 3D Printing? Quick 3D Printing Slide Show

There are multiple techniques that are used to produce 3D printed medical models for trial purposes. For example, there are multiple types of 3D printing: 1) Stereolithography This technique uses a UV laser light which focus on phot- reactive resin working in an additive manner to create a solid object. 2) Fused Deposition Modeling This […]

Sunday, January 11, 2015

3D Printing Industry Highlights From the CES Show 2015

3D Printing’s footprint has doubled since last year’s CES show. Here are some 3D Printing highlights.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Artists View for the Future of 3D Printing – 3D Printing Industry Video

This video was originally produced by the Disseny Hub museum and gallery in Barcelona. It provides a graphic vision of the 3DP today and in the future. The question is, “what is the current state-of-the-art, and what remains fiction’ – you decide. While it is an interesting video it doesn’t go heavily into 3D printing […]

How Apple killed the digital wallet

After years of watching quietly while Bling Nation, Goo […]