Monday, December 29, 2014

3D Printing Video Demonstration – 3D Printing a Decorative Vase

Here is an interesting video of a 3D Printer in action. Which CAD software was used is up to the viewer! From what we understand, this was done by an ordinary person using an easily find 3D Printing Machine.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

How do you Email a Socket Wrench Into Space?

The story starts back in November, when Wilmore put together the ISS’s very first 3D printer, a collaboration between NASA and company Made In Space. About a month later, Wilmore noted to mission control that a socket wrench would be helpful to have. Instead of putting it on the supply, however, Made In Space mocked […]

Thursday, December 18, 2014

3D Printer Page Features Most Popular 3D Printers Online

3D Printers Online? Why not? the 3D Printer Page features the best and most popular 3D Printers online at competitive prices. Shop around and see.